This game is still in development, you can join my discord server for playtesting and general feedback here:


A-D / Left Joystick---> Movement

Space / A button ---> Jump

Shift / B button ---> Dash

E / Y button ---> interaction

Updated 25 days ago
Published 27 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
Tags2D, 8-Bit, 8x8, LOWREZJAM, Metroidvania, Pixel Art


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Adorable and fun mini metroidvania! New abilities properly create gates to help the player progress. I love the art style! The only thing I’d change is that since the player moves so quickly, I’d have the camera show 2/3rds of the screen in front of the player’s current movement (it’s showing just 1/3 in your current build). That would give the player more awareness of the level in front of them and better be able to react to the platforming - the 2/3rds behind the player is “dead space” since they just passed that space :)